Welcome to our new website!

4y ago

We are pleased to present to you our new visual corporate identity and website.
We have made the visual identity more modern and have implemented new functionalities to ease the process of contacting us. We now also offer simple, clear and intuitive ways to find information about our umbrella company and payrolling which is also called wage portage.
The site is now published in 3 languages including on social networks, so we can better cover Switzerland, in particular the Swiss German part.
We also want to address a broader audience of consultants or companies in Switzerland or abroad.
Two of the new features of our new website:
- Our blog which allows us to share with you actualised information on payrolling for autonomous consultants, information about the job market, our news, news from our sector, events, articles on personal development or coaching, on how to develop your business or interviews with consultants.
- Our Hire a consultant profile section that allows you to search in our database of consultants that are available for additional work. You can search by keywords and then contact them through us.
We hope you enjoy browsing through our new website and hope that you will find relevant information.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need specific information about our payroll, wage portage service.
Your Thalent.com Team
Kamil Fetouni: Marketing concept, copywriting, Projectmanagement
Mark Streatfield: Visual concept and Design

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